I have a daughter who runs a number of businesses. She runs her own massage therapy business, an Etsy art shop, and a nutrition and supplement, and a health business. https://www.facebook.com/groups/302874836803320/
She is amazing! She wrote a short article the other day for her wholeness and health Facebook group. I loved what she said and wanted to share it with you. It goes right along with something I posted recently on loving where you are.
These are her insightful words:
When mentally prepping myself for this Clean and Lean program, I was told that you shouldn’t get healthy because you dislike your body. Getting your motivation from a source of self-hatred will not carry you through, long-term. And, boy, who else needs to have A WHOLE TRUCKLOAD of motivation to even get through one day of eating and doing everything you’re supposed to?
You first have to love where you are right now.
Who you are right now. Right this second.
I mean it.
Because, then it’s not because you’re SUPPOSED to do all those healthy things, but because you WANT to. And it makes it a whole lot easier.
So, just a reminder today – You. Are. Worth. It.
You are worth getting up in the mornings and feeling productive and accomplished. You are worth taking time for yourself to get ready for the day and feel beautiful. You are worth the time and effort it takes to eat healthy. You are worth the hard work it takes to get fit. You are worth every single second of feeling happy.
Gosh dang it, YOU ARE WORTH IT!!
-Melissa Hillman
Melissa can be reached at:
I whole-heartedly agree. “You are worth every single second of feeling happy!”