Hello Friends!
I have the neatest water bottle that brightens my day, called a “Love Bottle.” (lovebottleusa.com) It’s covered in words of high vibration, such as “Love,” “Joy,” “Share,” “Family,” “Trust,” “Believe,” “Wonder,” “Faith,” etc.
Part of my daily routine is to start the day by drinking a full bottle of water early in the morning. It’s well known that starting the day with 8 oz of water jump starts your metabolism after becoming dehydrated through the night.
But I want to share with you the benefits of the high vibration words that are on the container of water.
Dr. Masaru Emoto took photographs of frozen ice crystals. You can see these crystals in his book “The Hidden Messages in Water.” He wrapped pieces of paper with words typed on them around a bottle of water and then froze and photographed the resulting ice crystals. What he discovered was amazing! Among many discoveries, one is that positive words, such as “Love,” “You’re beautiful,” “Wisdom,” “Thank you,” created magnificent, perfectly shaped and stunningly beautiful crystals! Whereas words such as, “Hate,” “You’re ugly,” “You fool,” created incomplete, blurred, deformed, chaotic crystals.
He explains that “Words have their individual and unique vibrational frequencies,” and we are affected by these vibrations. The words we say, think, and write carry energy and have influence on ourselves and on others. What are the words you are continually telling yourself in your thoughts or even out loud? What about the words written on the clothing you wear? How about the words you are reading? All of them are vibrating and affecting the vibration within you. Might knowing that our words have power help you be a little more attentive to your thoughts and language? Just something to think about.
Where can I get that bottle ?
lovebottleusa.com should take you to their site. They have other designs also.
Beautiful, thank you Melanie☺️
Thank you so much!
I love this post Melanie!! I want….no I NEED one of these bottles!!!!
Did you find the link Debbie? lovebottleusa.com should take you to their site and there are so many fun choices!