What do you do to see you through times of distress?
A few years ago, at this time of year, I wrote the following. It is as applicable today as it was then.
It is raining hard outside. Thunder. Lightening. Water leaking through our mudroom roof. Standing water deepening in our yard.
We are desperately trying to put up 3rd crop hay.
It’s getting late in the year and the weather is not in our favor.
Farmers are People of Faith
Farmers are people of incredible faith.
They are completely at the mercy of the elements, (and man-made markets).
No amount of complaining that things aren’t fair, alters the weather, the markets, or gets the crops harvested or the Fall work finished.
Even working harder or longer hours does not guarantee success.
What does a person do when all control seems to be taken out of one’s hands?
We could blame, and wallow in despair living in fear of what the future might bring.
Or, we can trust and put into action some simple yet practical steps to rise above times of distress.
Steps to Rise Above Distress
- Prayer. There is no greater source of strength than turning to God. Communicating with him, not just in times of great need, but as a continual habit, creates a foundation of never-ending strength.
- Remember who you are and why you are here. (To know that see #1).
- Serve. Getting outside of ourselves, and serving another can restore our sense of balance. As we lift another, we are lifted.
- Believe that all things work together for our good. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God…” Romans 8:28
What can you add to this list of life-affirming, strength-building helps?
Share below. Your knowledge and experience might be just the thing someone else needs to hear.
Much love,
Filled with faith and love, this is a beautiful post. Thank you!
Thank you Marilyn!?