Have you ever considered why we give thanks, whether in prayer or just in your heart?
I recently realized one answer why.
I’d like to illustrate with an experience from many years ago when I was newly married.
My husband and I were visiting my parents at the same time one of my brothers was there with his young family. It was my 4-year old nephew’s turn to pray.
With his arms folded on the table and his blond, curly head resting on his arms, he began to give thanks for the food. I watched him squint his eyes and peek over his arms looking around for things to thank.
He gave thanks for the pretty flowers on the table, for the napkins, for the wallpaper. On and on he went, giving thanks for anything that came into his sight.
I couldn’t help but smile and think how adorable he was.
Many years later, as I recently knelt in prayer, I opened my eyes and noticed the morning clouds turning pink with the sunrise. I saw the sky turning to a brighter blue color. I observed the hummingbird nest outside my window with two baby hummingbirds inside. One preening itself, getting ready to fly for the first time.
How amazing it all was!
I felt the majesty of seeing simple things in a new light! And gratitude seemed to fill my soul.
It impressed upon me in that moment that the more I observed and gave thanks, the more I realized I had to give thanks for!
I was reminded of the experience over 30 years ago, thinking how adorable my nephew was in his thanking everything he saw. Yet now I could recognize it as something much more than just being cute.
I was being reminded of a true principle.
The more we are grateful and express that gratitude, the more we are able to recognize all we have to be thankful for.
With love,
Love this! Some beautiful thoughts here.
Thank you Cherre! ?