Have you ever been so busy with the demands of the day that you missed seeing the beauty around you?
Recently, while driving in the car, I noticed the mountains in the distance.
This is a view I am familiar with, but rarely take notice.
Yet, that day the skyline caught my attention struck me with its artistry.
The Beauty of Nature
I thought of the scripture found in Genesis 2:9 (italics added) that reads,
“And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food….”
Did you notice that pleasant to the sight was stated before good for food?
One of the purposes of God’a creation is to feed our spirits.
In other words, our need for beauty is important!
“All things are made for the benefit and use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart, to strengthen the body and enliven the soul.” (Doctrine and Covenants 59:16-19)
The beauty that surrounds us in nature is provided by a loving Father in Heaven.
That beauty is meant to nourish, enliven, and strengthen our spirits as much as physical food is meant to nourish, enliven, and strengthen our bodies.
To Enliven the Spirit
As I thought about what it means to enliven the soul, I thought of those times when my spirit has been touched by the majesty of nature.
And I recognized the many times I missed seeing those magical moments, because I was too busy, or just not paying attention.
I therefore missed the enlivening power that nature has to offer.
Appreciating the wonders and joys of nature are what make us human and provide richness and uplift o our lives.
Are you taking advantage of the rejuvenating power of nature?
I encourage you today to look, see, and appreciate God’s creations that you might be uplifted, renewed and replenished.
With love,