What do you do when you feel spiritually depleted and long to revitalize your spiritual strength?
Tweaking the good we are already doing is often enough to rejuvenate our spiritual selves.
Seen in Nature
I recently saw this revitalizing while out walking.
During the summer months wild sunflowers grow along the bank of the canal where I walk. I have had every intention of returning with scissors to bring these bright, happy flowers into my home, yet once at home, I forget.
On a recent walk, I decided rather than wait to come back with scissors, I would pick a handful of sunflowers and carry them with me.
By the time I got home and placed the flowers in water they drooped and hung listlessly over the side of the vase. I wondered if they were too far wilted to revive.
To my delight, by that afternoon, they were standing upright and showing their cheery faces.
It didn’t take much to rejuvenate them. Just some cool water and time.
I Feel the Same Way
Many times I feel like those droopy sunflowers.
Feeling depleted, and cut off from my source of spiritual renewal.
Whatever the cause, whether neglect, or carelessness, It often times does not need much to restore one’s spiritual energy
Three Simple Steps to Revitalizing One’s Spiritual Energy
1. Recognize that things aren’t going well.
This seems obvious, but how often does apathy, or discouragement creep into our lives until we finally realize our spirits are sagging?
2. Investigate
Once we recognize that we are not where we want to be, we need to investigate. Notice where in your life you have let slide the good things you had been doing.
3. Commit to making change and improve habits that will restore you.
Revisit and renew those things that provide you spiritual strength.
My faith is based in Jesus Christ, so some habits that strengthen me are sincere prayer and daily reading of scriptures.
Providing Your Spirit With What Replenishes
I compare these steps to providing water to those droopy sunflowers and letting them drink deeply.
You are providing your spirit with pure water to replenish and restore your spiritual light.
Seeing those sunflowers perk up reminded me of times when all I needed to brighten my spirit was simple re-tweaking of simple good habits I had neglected.
If you’re dragging, if may not take much. Breathe new life into your daily habits to revitalize your spiritual strength.
Much love,
So perfect for me right now. Thanks for your wisdom ?
Thank you Amanda! ?