This hasn’t been a great day for me.
Maybe because of lack of sleep – the barking dog, the rattle in the fireplace, the odd dreams….
For whatever reason, I’ve been feeling “off” today. I’m dragging, not thinking clearly and feel like crying. Do you have days like this also?
For years, when I’d have “off” days or weeks, I’d be angry with myself and everyone and everything around me! I’d grump around, showing my displeasure, frustration and annoyance on anyone who happened to be in my vicinity, not understanding that –
“Off” times are not a sign of character defect, but rather a loving message sent to us from our “higher spiritual self.”
I have come to recognize that when these “off” days show up, I need to do things differently!
Maybe what I’ve learned can help you:
- Show self-compassion.
- Let go of the need to accomplish certain things in a certain way.
- Focus on what I can do in that moment.
- Change my physical posture.
* Yup! You read that last sentence correctly. Change your physical posture.
- Pull your shoulders back and straighten your spine.
- Hold a smile for 2 minutes even if you don’t feel like it.
- Stand in a “power pose” with arms in the air or planted on your hips.
These physical changes have been shown to create physiological changes in the body and changes in the brain resulting in changes in how you feel.
The brain notices the smile and says, “Oh, we’re smiling,” and will go about looking for things to smile about. The brain says, “Oh, we’re standing strong and self-assured,” and will work at matching emotions to that physical signal of confidence.”
The movement and posture of the body immediately affects your emotional and mental state. Both in positive and negative ways. On those down days, I’ll bet you are slouching, shuffling, head dropping forward with a frown or straight face. Change your physical state and see what happens with your emotional state!
Focus on what you can do in that moment.
Do you find yourself on down days, repeating over and over in your mind all the things you need to get done and aren’t doing?
Instead of punishing yourself for what you’re afraid won’t happen, stay focused on what you are able to do in that moment, and only on what you’re doing at that moment.
As we stay present, our energy is released of the stagnant, heavy energy of worry that is holding us back. Pretty soon, we’ll be ready to move forward in a quicker way, if that’s what is needed.
Let go of the need to accomplish certain things in a certain way.
Stop listening to the voice that says you have to “power through” everything at all times. Because of that belief, we often close ourselves off to better, even easier ways of accomplishing our goal, that cannot be shown to us as we push and force our way.
Also, letting go of being in control may open up to us an increased understanding of what is most important for that day, which may end up being very different from what we originally thought.
Show self-compassion.
This may look different on different days and may look different for different people. It means not being harsh with yourself. It means being gentle, patient and kind with yourself.
Allow yourself to take a break or change the direction of your day – to honor, love and respect yourself as you do others.
Maybe you only need 5 or 10 minutes to re-focus. Maybe you need half a day or the whole day. That’s OK. In fact, it’s more than OK, it’s necessary!
The whole experience of an “off” day, which is common to many, is not a weakness, but rather a gift.
It provides us the opportunity to pay attention to what our higher spiritual self is telling us – that something needs to change! It’s time to stop moving blindly through life and to start taking care of the needs that are being neglected – emotional, mental, spiritual or physical.
Are you listening? Will you start tuning in, and responding to those messages?
Listen and you’ll come back with a clearer mind and freshness of vitality that will serve you well!
Much love,