The other day, my young daughter missed out on an opportunity because of something many of us do to ourselves.
We focus on the “hows” and the “shoulds” and the “what ifs.” We make the mistake of letting our minds take over before its time. There is a place for the mind and all its wonderful thinking capabilities, but that time is not during the beginning phase of a decision.
The beginning phase happens from what the heart is telling you. But do you listen?
In my daughter’s situation, it was a last minute, limited spots, have to decide right away, opportunity. It would have been inconvenient and would have involved some rearranging of other commitments for her. I was not certain about what she wanted to do, so I was wishy washy about how I felt. She was hesitant because I was hesitant. So, we both made the mistake of trying to figure it all out first, before she committed.
We tried to figure out how we could get it to work and what we would need to do. After quite some time of this and not getting anywhere, we discovered that all the spots had been filled! The opportunity had vanished!
The disappointment was real!
In thinking about this situation, I realized something. If she had come to me and said, “Mom, this is what I want to do.” I would have helped her make it happen. Instead though, we both succumbed to the uncertainty and the then the thought processes that took over and we allowed this opportunity to “slip through our fingers.”
After the emotion of the moment had passed and I had experienced my realization, I told her the following:
Your first job, is to know what you want and to speak it! It’s not to
- second guess, or
- try to guess what someone else wants you to do, or
- begin by figuring it all out and then deciding, or
- wondering what you “should” be doing.
Your first job is recognizing what your heart is telling you and trusting it. The “how” and “what” will fall into place and the mind will be given its chance to create the plan. But that is not where we start!
How much of your life is being led by your mind trying to think your way through and thereby missing out on opportunities? Or are you following your heart, knowing what you want and having the courage to state it and live it?
That’s my encouragement for you. Tune into your heart, know what it is telling you and then acknowledge and act! Know what you want and speak it!
You are welcome!
Beautiful thoughts and thank you
Thank you! I often need to remind myself of lessons I thought I already learned. 🙂