Some time ago I read a post that rubbed me the wrong way.
The first sentence read, “When I was this size (a number was written here), I hated myself! I hated my life!”
Those were strong words, and I reacted to them.
You see, I am currently at the weight where this woman hated her life!
I love my life! I love who I am! My weight has fluctuated these last couple of years, but that has not changed how blessed I feel to have the body I have, nor has it affected my ability to experience joy.
I’m assuming her intent was to inspire others by sharing her journey of how she lost weight. (I did not finish reading her post).
Body size can be an indicator of health, but there is so much more to becoming healthy than being a certain size or weight.
When focusing on only one aspect of our life that may not be a perceived ideal we limit the joy we could otherwise experience.
Hating one’s body, one’s job, one’s situation, etc. puts a person in an extremely low energetic vibration and into a mental and emotional spiral downward.
Whether we’re talking about weight, health, work, or relationships focusing on what’s not ideal will only bring about lower vibration emotions such as frustration, anger, contempt or shame.
It narrows our vision and capacity to experience joy.
Whereas noticing all that is going right, increases our capacity to receive more of the same.
As our thoughts become more supportive, our vibration raises.
We are happier and make better, more inspired decisions. As we continue this pattern, we spiral up.
Start where you are and focus on all that is going well.
Choose to love who you are today and notice the joy and fulfillment that more readily enters your life.
Much love,