It’s the middle of January, and normally I like to have my New Year’s goals/theme in place by now….
But this year, I gave myself grace.
I allowed myself to take whatever time I needed to enjoy reviewing the past year and preparing for the new.
It was important for me to feel excited about the process.
That excitement then spills over into the plans I make.
How about you?
I believe that you, like most of my readers, already have a desire to improve her life.
You don’t need me to talk you into doing something new, but rather to encourage you in the good things you already know.
So, today I want to encourage you to give yourself grace.
Grace to take the time you need to let go of what is not helping you.
Grace to take the time you need to put into place that which you know will help you.
Trust yourself to know, and then move forward.
You’ve got this!
Much love,