I have spent too many days telling myself, “I have so much to do!”
I’d complain to my husband.
I’d mention it while visiting with someone over the phone.
I’d feel stressed while doing one thing because my mind was thinking about the next.
Is it any surprise I felt overwhelmed?
By the end of the day I’d be frustrated because I believed I hadn’t accomplished enough.
Does this scenario sound familiar?
Two Parts to the Problem
The first part of the problem was that I told myself I should be accomplishing more in a day.
The second part was that I was comparing what I do now to what I did in earlier stages of my life.
What I do today:
-looks different from what I did when I had a house full of babies, and toddlers.
-looks different from when I had a house full of young children, and teenagers.
-looks different from when I worked outside the home.
-looks different….
Fill in the stages of your life.
The Solution
To solve this downward spiral of thought, I recognized I needed to change my self-talk.
I began to say instead,
“I am so happy about all I have already accomplished today!”
Just adding the extra word, “already,” changed the direction of my thoughts, and therefore the results of my day.
Peace came as I recognized, and found satisfaction in what I do today.
Though my contribution may be different, it is of great worth.
Different does not diminish value.
Pay attention to what you might be telling yourself.
Acknowledge and value what you have already accomplished, and enjoy each and every day of this stage of your life.
Much love,
Such a great lesson to remind ourselves of daily.
Thanks Amanda!?