You may have heard about the law of attraction. This natural law basically says, what we think about, we bring about.
Another way of describing this law is that we are human transmission towers sending out signals with our thoughts. What we send out returns to us, whether good or bad. Or that we’re like magnets drawing to us what we focus on.
Relying only on the limited knowledge of intention can often mean crossing our fingers and hoping, wanting to believe, that what you desire will happen.
If this is all we understand in the process of creating our lives, we are missing an important element –
that God is in charge and that he wants to grant you your righteous desires.
The Universe is not some cosmic, mysterious force waiting for us to place an order with the hope it will magically appear.
I recently read Matthew 6:11
“If ye, then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him.”
I was struck with the understanding that God desires to give good things to his children, that’s you and me.
In fact, I believe he wants us to expect good things!
Of course, we must ask and we must remember that just because we want something does not mean it is for our ultimate good.
With that thought in mind we are told to ask and to expect good things.
I know that I could do better recognizing the good in my life, and that I could improve my ability to receive the good that’s all around me.
But it was with new eyes that it occurred to me that I need to expect the good!
Are you recognizing, receiving, even expecting good gifts from the Father?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
With love,