Did you know you can choose the direction of your day before you even wake up?
For many years it hadn’t occurred to me that I was creating my days by what went through my mind first thing in the morning.
I would often wake in the morning with a list of that day’s responsibilities already charging through my head. I would immediately feel overwhelmed.
Thoughts such as, “I am so tired.” Followed by, “How am I going to get everything done today?”
No wonder I felt overwhelmed and would drag myself out of bed with little enthusiasm.
I didn’t realize I was choosing the course of my day with my very first thoughts. I didn’t realize I had control over those very powerful thoughts.
I have since come to understand that:
- When I begin my days with discouraging thoughts, my day follows the same downward path.
- When I begin my days with uplifting thoughts, a positive day follows.
But how does one go about changing years of negative thought patterns?
It is as simple as planting the positive thought the night before.
- Choose one uplifting word or phrase that you want to experience.
- Think of that word or phrase as you are drifting off to sleep.
- In the morning as you first awaken, turn your thoughts to that word or phrase.
- Repeat it over and over for a moment or so. Don’t let any other thoughts interfere.
After just a few days that thought will pop into your mind first thing in the morning without conscious effort.
By then it has become more than just a powerful suggestion. It has become the foundation and then the reality for your day.
When I began this process of re-training my brain, I was struggling to find joy in my life. The phrase I chose to repeat is, “I love my life!”
I invite you to choose a word such as peace, enthusiasm, joy, or the phrase, “I love my life” to plant in your mind before bed. This will both end and start your day with uplifting power.
With love,
I love this Melanie and am so glad you shared it with everyone. I have experienced the power of this myself 🙂
Hi Mila! Thank you! It is powerful, isn’t it??