Are you experiencing some hard times? Are you struggling with challenges that seem ready to overtake? Are you wondering how to make your life more meaningful? Or maybe, things are going pretty well for you, but you sense that there…
Getting out of my comfort zone
I did my first Facebook live last week and I tell ya’ it wasn’t easy! Watch it here! I had so many reasons not to: I’m not comfortable with technology and didn’t know how to do it. Talking “off the…
That happy person!
Do you know someone who is ALWAYS happy, or at least they always seem to be happy? You wonder how it’s possible – is it their nature, maybe they were born with that gift, or maybe they just don’t live…
Confessions of a Recovering Multi-tasker
I have been a multi-tasker for the majority of my life. Always trying to do more than one, two or even three things at a time, thinking that was the most productive way of getting things done. I remember “listening”…
Living in Gratitude
A lot of us have gratitude journals. They are very effective in raising our personal vibration and I’d like to share an easy tip in making your gratitude journal even more powerful. Rather than waiting until the end of the…
A Rare Declaration
I had a most amazing experience the other day! During two, unrelated conversations, I heard the exact same phrase from two different people! I was caught off guard each time because what was said is not a common sentiment, and…
Changing Direction
Last summer, while going for my daily walk, our family dog, Toby, decided to accompany me. Now, he’s fun to watch as he bounces through the fields, chasing birds and digging up mice, but he’s not the smartest dog. We…