I have a daughter who runs a number of businesses. She runs her own massage therapy business, an Etsy art shop, and a nutrition and supplement, and a health business. https://www.facebook.com/groups/302874836803320/ She is amazing! She wrote a short article the…
Gratitude for Freedom
Happy Independence Day! This is a time of great celebration in the United States; a thrilling, wonderful time to commemorate the freedoms our country affords us! A lot of what I do, is to teach and encourage mental, emotional, spiritual…
Love who you are, now!
I saw a post the other day that rubbed me the wrong way! The first sentence, written with exclamation marks said, “When I was this size (a number was written here), I hated myself! I hated my life!” Reading those…
Thinking your way out of joy
Spending time recently with one of my young daughters and her friend, I asked them what makes them happy? They simultaneously responded, “Food!” After we all had a good laugh at their first response, I asked, “Why?” They replied, “It…
Amazing Things Happen When You Set the Day!
I had an amazing experience this last week, all because I set the intention for my day! As part of my morning routine I declare, out loud, what I want to experience that day, not in specifics, but in the…
How do you define success?
A few months ago, shortly after the holiday season, I was playing “Just Dance” with my children. “Just Dance” is a dance video game where the participant’s movements are recorded and scored by how close they match the movements of…
Memorial Day
I was blessed to grow up with a wonderful father who loved God, who loved his wife (my mother), who loved his family (me and 7 siblings), and who loved his country! I knew that on many of the National…