I have been the recipient of countless acts of love and kindness throughout my life. Many of which I’m probably not even aware. Some acts have been large, and some tiny, yet significant. To my regret, I am often unable…
Uplifted, Renewed, and Replenished
Have you ever been so busy with the demands of the day that you missed seeing the beauty around you? Recently, while driving in the car, I noticed the mountains in the distance. This is a view with which I…
Making Life Harder Than It Needs To Be
A humorous mis-read led me to realize that I might be making my life harder than it needs to be. As I walked past a sign out front of a financial service center, I read, “Sign up for your digital…
What Books Would You Choose to Carry
If you could take only a few things on an extended trip, what would you bring? I pondered this question as I watched my daughter weigh her suitcase before flying out the next morning. She was leaving for a 9-month…
Giving Oneself Grace
It’s the middle of January, and normally I like to have my New Year’s goals/theme in place by now…. But this year, I gave myself grace. I allowed myself to take whatever time I needed to enjoy reviewing the past…
The New Year – Reflect, Ponder and Appreciate Life’s Experiences
Before rushing headlong into the New Year, I invite you to reflect, ponder and appreciate your experiences of this past year. Only as I took the time to reflect did I realize the gifts my varied experiences provided me. Let…
It’s The Day After Christmas
It’s the day after Christmas. I’m sending you much love this day and hoping you are feeling the love the Savior has for you. Please remember, in all the giving of gifts, that the ultimate gift is the grace of…