Will you try an experiment with me? Just for today. It is, living as-if. Think of all the things you might wish were different. You might wish you had more energy experienced more vibrant health had more money were more…
Slow Down
I want to suggest a respite in this busy, often frenetic, world in which we live. Music has such a powerful ability to calm my spirit and bring with it inner strength and personal insight. I hope you might find…
Walking Backwards but Moving Forward
Have you ever felt that the challenges you face are preventing you from getting where you want to be in life? Did you think you would be further along at this point? You have a destination in mind but life…
Spiritual Sluggishness
The holidays are over and maybe you experienced as I have the sluggishness that comes from overindulging or of letting slide your plan of health. I enjoyed many healthful foods, but even eating healthful foods in excess can create a…
Does it Make a Difference?
As we prepare for the new year, our thoughts turn to self-improvement. Do you sometimes wonder if your daily efforts to better yourself make much difference, especially when you don’t see immediate changes? Consider the many types of morning routines…
Remembering Why
At this special time of year when we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, I hope you take time to be still and ponder on the significance of this season. I invite you to take a few minutes…
What Do You Want?
Throughout our lives we are asked the question, “What do you want?” The question may refer to such things as your choice of entree at a restaurant, your goals in life, or even a gift you’d like to receive for…