While traveling this last week, I experienced a valuable (and humorous) lesson that reminded me to open my eyes. While my daughter and I were driving across the United States, we wanted to attend church and googled directions to the…
When Uncertainty is Talking
Have you ever had a decision to make and the answer was unclear? When the only thing you felt was uncertainty? An example of uncertainty By the time you read this, I will be in the middle of a cross-country…
Letting Go Even When You Haven’t Wanted To, Can Bring New Life
Have you ever neglected (intentionally or unintentionally) an area of your life and then berated yourself repeatedly for not being “good enough to do it all?” Letting Go When You Haven’t Wanted To I most definitely have! Yet I was…
Growing Together or Apart
I am a student of human nature. I love to study and understand why people think, say and do what they do. Maybe you’re like me. Or if not, reading this short account might help you understand those around you…
Not Sleeping? What to do
What do you do when you wake up in the middle of the night with thoughts racing and heart pounding? Maybe you’ve had some unsettling dreams or worries and fears are spinning your thoughts out of control. If you’ve ever…
Are you Listening?
Once again, I’ve been taught by my children in a surprising way! As my two daughters arrived home late one evening, after a full day of early morning piano lessons, school, track practice AND the first performance of their High…
Better Week Than Mine
I hope your last week was much better than mine! Having had a good 7 weeks of improved eating, exercising and after bragging to my mother that I couldn’t remember the last time I had been sick, I was blind-sided…
Why not look for the good?
I unashamedly look for the good in all situations. I say unashamedly because there was a time that I stopped acknowledging the positive because I’d see the rolled eyes or hear comments such as, “You’re such a Pollyanna,” as if…
When Life’s Waterfalls Threaten to Drown You
Have you ever been pulled under a waterfall – and I’m not talking metaphorically (though we will get to that)? J Years ago, while on a college study abroad to the Philippines, our group was taken to a beautiful lake/swimming…
Surprise Discovery
We hear a lot today about “being mindful” and “being present.” In my journey of self-growth, I have been studying this concept and trying to understand why and how to go about the process. I grew up with the idea…
The Power to Change Lives
I recently read some words that struck a chord with me, by Mary Eyring, assistant Professor of English at Brigham Young University, “Events that are recorded, shared, analyzed, and preserved have the power to change lives; events that pass unremarked…
What will you decide?
My family and I had the exciting opportunity to attend a Lindsey Stirling concert recently and it was A-MAZ-ING! (if you follow me on Instagram or FB you might have seen my post). https://www.instagram.com/melaniebnewman/ https://www.facebook.com/melaniebnewmanwholeness/ Lindsey Stirling is a choreographer,…