Do you have a personal characteristic you wish you could change or eliminate? Maybe you think of yourself as scatter-brained or shy. Maybe others have criticized your impulsiveness. Is there something about yourself that for whatever reason you feel you’d…
Taking Life in Stride
I’m often in a hurry. Getting stuck behind at least four pieces of slow-moving farm equipment was not where I wanted to be that morning. I took a breath and reminded myself how far I had come. Literally and figuratively….
Mossing the Canal
A canal runs through our farm. I enjoy taking my walks along its bank watching families of ducks quietly paddling along in the clear blue, water. About once a week the water becomes cloudy and murky. During the hot summer…
How to Survive Heavy Traffic
I discovered a way to survive heavy traffic! Though I learned to drive in California and was used to busy traffic, I’ve lived in rural Idaho for over 30 years and have enjoyed the slower pace. Needless to say, I…
Why do we give thanks?
Have you ever considered why we give thanks, whether in prayer or just in your heart? I recently realized one answer why. I’d like to illustrate with an experience from many years ago when I was newly married. My husband…
When Things Do Not Go as Planned
Have you ever had an experience that turned out different from what you expected or wanted? What do you do when something, especially something important, does not go as planned? I have a tendency to become unhappy when things do…
The Hidden Blessings in Slowing Down
I’ve been moving a bit slower this past year. Nothing serious. Just some fatigue and minor physical issues. And though it has often times been discouraging I have discovered hidden blessings. I have become more deliberate and intentional in how…
The Real Purpose of Goals: And it’s not what you may think
I recently read an inspiring book my son gave me called The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod. He reminded me of something that I had forgotten: the real purpose of setting goals. Hal Elrod writes, “Reaching a goal, as in…
What if…?
“What if” are simple words that seem to introduce feelings of concern or worry. Why is that? What if it brought about the exact opposite emotion? Say, excitement or courage? I was recently asked by Carolyn Cooper, the founder of…
Independence Day
On July 4th we commemorate the Declaration of Independence here in the United States. It’s a time of remembering, appreciating and celebrating that this country was made free and independent of outside rule. Referring to the founding fathers, Ezra Taft…
Sleeping Soundly Each Night
After months of not sleeping well I was fascinated to learn that there is a “fundamental solution to insomnia.” I know that quality sleep is essential in allowing the body to recover from stress and fatigue and to revitalize the…
The High Cost of Worry
Do you realize that worry has a price? What would you experience if you do not give in to worry? I recently had the opportunity to consider that cost. A few months ago, I was in the hospital waiting for…