“We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is…
Can Small Efforts Really Make a Difference?
Two years ago I began an important project that required much reading and study. I have now completed that project, but I know someone else who finished it in six months. In my notes from the beginning of the project…
When Life Seems Too Hard
What carries you through difficult times? What can you do when problems or heartaches seem beyond your ability to survive? The following incident retold by Steven Kapp Perry, an award-winning songwriter, playwright and broadcaster, might help you to find an…
Words that Enlighten
Are you a reader? If yes, you might appreciate this quote from Hazrat Inayat Khan: “The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels” Though jewels look pretty and catch the light, how much more valuable is the…
Is it Time to Review and Revise?
How do you feel about your daily routine? Is it helpful? Supportive? Does it provide you with energy and enthusiasm for your day? Or does it feel burdensome and heavy? Is it an annoying checklist that you dread working through?…
What To Do When a Loved One is Struggling
What do you do when a loved one is struggling? It’s hard, isn’t it? You want to take away the pain and make life easy. Do you ever find yourself jumping in with suggestions and solutions, even though you know…
Interrupting the Beautiful Flow of Life
Did you know we can interrupt the beautiful, flow of our daily lives by doing something that we mistakenly think is noble? Many women and men believe it is their responsibility to provide help to others, even at great sacrifice…
What to do with Anger
How often do you find yourself frustrated or angry? Has anger become an automatic response to certain situations? Are you afraid there is no way to change the habit? (Yes, anger can become a habit.) When my children were young…
Supported in your Challenges
I’d like to invite you to look for ways you are supported in your challenges. It’s easy to express gratitude for the physical support we receive. a meal brought in during a time of difficulty. financial support in a time…
Trading Up
I was focused and feeling good about a project I was working on recently. But then my husband came into my office and sat down to chat. I was engaged in the flow of my project, but my husband doesn’t…
Trusting Your Inner Voice
I am a rule-maker and a rule-keeper. I like to have schedules and routines and to know the what and where and when. But I’ve also gained some experience over the years (I turned 53 last week! ?) And that…
Assuming the Best
Many life lessons can be learned from driving. Think of your time on the road. Has anyone ever done something that annoyed you? Or have you ever done anything that irritated another driver? Intentionally or unintentionally? How have you felt…