I had a new and surprising experience recently that changed my perspective on the power of our thoughts!
I teach mindset skills and a common understanding in this field is, if you don’t like what you’re experiencing in life then change the way you’re thinking.
This is a true concept, but let me share with you an unexpected experience that completely expanded my understanding of this principle!
Seemingly out of the blue, the other day, I felt a sudden burst of joy! What was I doing at that moment, you ask? Vacuuming! This feeling caught me by surprise because, how mundane is vacuuming?! Yet, there I was experiencing a beautiful feeling of happiness!
Now, I have had many moments and times of happiness before, but this was probably the first time I stopped to consciously figure out why. Certainly, my actions in the moment, vacuuming the floor, could not be the cause.
I immediately started to think back to what I was thinking previous to the sudden burst of emotion.
I teach Sunday School in my church and I had been pondering on the Old Testament and what I had been preparing for the coming Sunday’s lesson. I remembered thinking how I loved the Old Testament and how grateful I was for the people, and the experiences of those written about, and for my opportunity to study and learn from them.
It dawned on me that my thoughts of appreciation had led to feelings of gratitude which then led to the beautiful feelings of joy.
I now had the key to learning how to consciously produce more positive feelings in my life!
In the energy world we say that being grateful had raised my energetic vibration and made it possible for me to connect into the vibration of joy.
This is similar to the analogy of tuning into a radio station. The music does not start playing only when you turn to that station. It is already there. Radio waves are all around you. You are just tuning in to the frequency of the station you want to listen to.
So, it is with our emotions. The frequency of all emotions are around us or in other words, available to us, at all times. You get to choose and tune into the vibration of the emotions you want to experience.
You are not actually creating the joyful feelings. Rather, you are tuning into that vibration of joy.
But let me point out that the feeling of joy is actually a gift from God that you put yourself in a position to receive.
So, the natural question that follows is, what do I do to put myself in the position to receive this gift?
I was just about to list ways for you, but changed my mind. J Instead, I’d like to invite you to ponder on that question for yourself. Perhaps even share below what you come up with.
But I will invite you to:
- Become consciously aware of what you’re feeling, especially in moments of happiness.
- Trace your thoughts back to what had preceded those emotions.
- Develop the intentional use of thoughts of gratitude in preparation for receiving the gift of joy!
In following these three simple steps, you are preparing yourself to receive and experience the greater emotions of joy, peace, contentment and happiness. Isn’t that what we are all striving for?
Sending you much love today and always!
I loved how you were “in the moment” of vacuuming. There is joy everywhere! Thanks for sharing.
It’s so easy to “tune out” doing mundane tasks but I love learning that I can use those times for greater growth! Peggi, you are one who exemplifies finding joy everywhere!
Thanks, Melonie, I like example of the radio waves, I haven’ t ever thought of it like that. I’m going to try to be more aware. Love you lots, Donna
That analogy has really helped me a lot! Love you dear friend! Thanks for posting!