Henry B. Eyring said, “Every person is different and has a different contribution to make.”
Have you ever secretly wished people were more like you?
Years ago as a young mother, I thought my children should be mini-me’s: think like me, act like me, enjoy what I enjoy, etc.
I quickly realized that wasn’t the case.
I discovered they each had their own ideas and opinions. Likes and dislikes. And they weren’t the same as mine or one another’s.
Before I recognized each one’s uniqueness as a positive, I tried to be efficient by responding to them as a group. It seemed too complicated to try and meet their individual needs.
Over time we began to learn how to give and take, to respect and value each person’s individuality.
- I have a child who is steady and deliberate, thinking through before joining in.
- Another who is an adventurer, often found in the outdoors, eager to plan adventures for us all.
- Another enjoys organizing and is efficient in putting into place the details to improve any situation.
- Yet another brings fun and laughter to any gathering.
Now that they are older we recognize and enjoy those differences.
They each contribute differently and add to the whole precisely because of those individual differences!
Their individuality blesses us all.
Do you think life would be easier if those people around you who think or act differently were more like you?
Try instead to appreciate that their contributions are different precisely because of their uniqueness.
Can you recognize and appreciate the special contributions they might be making precisely because of their uniqueness?
Perhaps they could contribute even more if their uniqueness is recognized and valued.
Just a thought to ponder.
Have a beautiful week!
With love,
I appreciate you
Thanks so much Robin! Have a beautiful day!
Love you beautiful Newman ladies?
Thanks Amanda! They are all wonderful in their unique and different ways!