My heart was touched recently by an email from my mother.
After she praised my efforts in life she wrote:
“View your life as if it were an amazing someone else. You could hardly believe she was doing so much.”
Those words lifted and encouraged me.
And I realized they were not meant for me alone.
Her statement also applies to my mother herself, my sisters, my daughters, friends, acquaintances, even those I don’t know personally but who have influenced me for good.
I realized though, that many of these same women do not recognize the good they do.
Are you one who diminishes her contribution because it’s not flamboyant, seen or, acknowledged by others?
Are you one who sacrifices to create a home, nurtures relationships, serves in her way as best she can?
Step back and “View your life as if it were an amazing someone else.”
Open your heart to the comforting peace that comes from recognizing the power of your influence, no matter if unacknowledged.
I send her words on to invite you to “View your life as if it were an amazing someone else. You could hardly believe she was doing so much.”
Truly you are amazing!
Much love,
Thanks Melanie! Beautifully written❤️
Thank you Talisha! Appreciate you!?
This is perfect. Thanks for the shared wisdom of generations of women.
Oh, to be as wise as my mother! Wouldn’t we all love that!?