I am one who enjoyed a happy home life and wonderful upbringing, but along the way picked up some limiting beliefs of my self-worth and what I was capable of. I subconsciously believed I was not important enough to deserve others’ time, attention or love.I struggled with feelings of inadequacy, of not being “enough” and of trying to earn my right to all the good in my life. This led to false guilt whenever I felt anything other than happiness.And so, the downward cycle began of not feeling worthy or deserving of success, of good experiences, of happiness. In trying to earn that right it became apparent that my life was out of balance and I experienced a difficult and painful wake-up call that changed my direction.This challenging time led me to more fully understand the nature of human beings and what is truly needful for us to be happy and find peace, and that I had been going about it all wrong.
Knowing how difficult the struggle is and having experienced the painful process of change, I find joy in helping others come to understand and accept themselves in truth and light. |

Growing up, I knew I had a gift of listening and for providing a safe place for people to be heard. I realized I was good with people. That led to my field of study in college and I graduated with a Bachelor’s of Psychology degree.
I served a mission for my church for 18 months in South America and grew in my understanding that we are all much more alike than different. We have similar dreams and desires to know who we are, to be happy, to have strong relationships, to contribute, and to serve and live a life of meaning.
After marrying my husband, we moved to the farm where we’ve been happily married for over 28 years, raising hay, grain and 6 children, all while experiencing the very real challenges of family and farm life.

Official Bio
Melanie Newman is a self-development mentor and Certified SimplyALIGN™ practitioner who works with individuals in clearing and releasing mental and emotional blocks, subconscious beliefs and in teaching life-skills to bring about greater peace, meaning, purpose and joy to life.
She teaches on-line programs and group mentoring in mental, emotional and spiritual health. She also provides private mentoring as well as individual SimplyALIGN™ energy sessions.
She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Brigham Young University and has worked with women for over thirty years. Her life experiences and advanced training have provided her a real-world understanding and knowledge of the unique challenges women face especially in providing love and service.
In an atmosphere of compassion and love, Melanie finds great joy in helping women discover their inner light as she guides them toward reaching their highest potential.