Dear Friends,
I’m speaking to those of you who are going through some hard times.
My desire is to wish all of you a beautiful Spring, for those in the Northern Hemisphere and a beautiful Autumn, for those in the Southern Hemisphere. Regardless of where you live, there are lessons that nature teaches all of us.
As I travel South a few hours from where I live, the trees and flowers are in full bloom. Not so, where I live! Yet!
Where I live, tiny buds on the trees are just barely beginning to appear!
But I know it’s coming. I am seeing the signs. The grass is turning green and filling in. My perennial flowers are beginning to break through the ground. I just need to be patient a little longer until I can enjoy the colors and warmth of Spring.
For some reason, it is so much easier to be patient with the change in seasons (oh, sure we may grumble about how slow it seems) but because we recognize we have absolutely no ability to speed up the coming of a season, we accept it.
Yet, just as real as our inability to speed up or slow down the weather, so also is our inability to speed up or change the Law of Rhythm in our lives. This law states that everything flows, in and out, rises and falls, swings back and forth, and that, like a pendulum, as far as it swings one way, it will swing the comparable distance in the opposite direction.
Nature shows us this law very well. We see it in the seasons of the year, the cycle of the moon each month, the tide of the ocean, the rhythm of each day as our energy rises and falls.
Our lives parallel nature. We have good days and we have bad days, good years and bad years, good moments, bad moments. The blessing in that knowledge is that we can be confident that whatever we are experiencing in this moment is not permanent!
When we experience an upset, we tend to believe that we will always feel this bad, this angry, this frustrated. Knowing and understanding the Law of Rhythm reminds us, that those hard times and difficult emotions will not continue on forever!
So, rather than fall into the trap of believing we will always feel this low, if that is what you’re experiencing right now, trust in the Universal Law of Rhythm. Know there will be an up. Expect that there will be an up!
Yes, there are things you can do to keep from remaining in that state longer than is needful. But even if it’s just to remember that the up is coming; sometimes that is enough.
Sending you much love and hope and wishes for a beautiful season!