I’ve been told that a characteristic of mine is a gift, but it causes me distress.
I rapidly experience thoughts and feelings and swiftly connect and disconnect mentally.
The up-side is that I can adapt easily and be resilient when things don’t go as planned.
The downside is that I’m not sure what to do with the many thoughts that come all at the same time.
One of the annoyances with this gift is staying focused, especially during prayer.
I know that it takes time, effort and spiritual patience to receive answers. So scattered thoughts interfere with that important process.
If you experience interference in your thoughts too, we must learn to deal with the effects of such distraction.
I’d like to share a visualization that is helping me.
The Visualization
I visualize a river.
I’m on the water, watching the flow of the river before me.
I notice that where the banks are low, and undefined the river is wide and slow moving, flowing without much purpose. Think of the the Mississippi river that spreads up to 11 miles wide in some places.
Where the banks are defined and solid, the river is more narrow and concentrated. It runs with power and force. Think of the Colorado river whose force created the deep Grand Canyon.
I see my thoughts as that river of water.
When my thoughts like the river are spreading far, I am unfocused and distracted. It’s hard to concentrate on my purpose.
So I symbolically visualize building up the shores within my mind to give my river of thoughts a definite direction and place to flow.
This visual helps my thoughts to flow undistracted, focused where I intended.
Shore Up the Banks
What does shore up the banks mean to you?
Here are some ideas to get you thinking how to keep your thoughts clear and focused.
-When the banks of my imaginary river are weak and soft, it usually means I’ve allowed other concerns and thoughts to interfere. Perhaps I haven’t taken care of something that needs attention.
In that case, I take care of it or put it aside, giving myself permission to return to it later.
-Maybe I’ve allowed so many things to fill my life that it’s difficult to focus on the things that matter most.
This means take time to prioritize and eliminate.
-Maybe distractions have become such a part of my daily life that I expect them and feel uncomfortable when they don’t happen.
That may be a new thought.
I wish I had all the answers for you, but we are all unique. In fact, I’m sure you have solutions to share with me.
It would be interesting to consider what ways you can find to shore up your mental river banks and focus your thoughts.
I’d love to learn from you!
With love,