Are you a reader? If yes, you might appreciate this quote from Hazrat Inayat Khan:
“The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels”
Though jewels look pretty and catch the light, how much more valuable is the light that comes from words that inspire.
The words we read change us. They change the way we think, the way we feel, and the way we act.
Though not all written words are of equal value.
The intent and how the words are placed together create meaning. In other words, rhetoric, a word not often heard today.
Some words inspire, uplift and provide hope. Others educate and inform. And sadly, others tear down and destroy.
Because words are so powerful, it’s important to be deliberate about what we choose to read.
Do you surround yourself with words that inspire and uplift?
And if you do,
do you consistently take time to ponder and reflect on the message?
Once I thought the time spent reading was a luxury, and I didn’t have enough time.
I didn’t recognize its ability to feed and nourish the soul.
Now, I know otherwise.
In fact, I am currently in the process of reading a number of books.
- One is on discovering your creative self. I find it inspiring.
- Another is a novel about a moral dilemma. I find it disturbing and haven’t yet decided if its insights are worth my time.
- I’m reading a book on women in the scriptures. It has opened my eyes.
- I also read daily from the scriptures to strengthen and fortify me.
All of these have differing levels of value and ability to enlighten.
I now consider carefully where to spend my precious available reading time by asking myself:
Does it ennoble, educate, inspire or edify?
If so, I know my time will be well spent.
With love,