Can self-reflection truly be a catalyst for change?
It’s such a quiet activity, if it can even be considered an activity.
Yet, when pursued intentionally, reflection can create great personal change.
For years I believed that the busier I was, the more valuable I was. I often felt too busy to even think, much less take time to still my mind and reflect.
I kept myself constantly on the go, and may have worn my tiredness as a badge of honor.
Taking time to be still seemed to be a waste of time, until I learned that pausing from our daily activities, even if only for a few moments of focused, intentional stillness, has incredible power.
It is a bold statement to say that reflection can be life-changing, but consider what can happen when we take the time to do so.
In quiet, reflective moments
-we allow ourselves to see things differently
-we become open to possibilities we might have missed before
-our thoughts expand to include alternatives
-we see deeper meaning and significance
-we gain personal insight
-we become aware of ourselves, of our situation, and of others in new ways
As we start to see things differently, we begin to think differently.
We start to feel differently.
As we feel differently, we behave differently.
The process that began with self-reflection has led us on a pathway of personal development.
Are there things about your life you wish were different, but you’re not sure how to change or where to start?
Consider the value in personal reflection.
Allow this reflection to be the catalyst for changes you desire.
With love,
Oh is very good hacking self reflection.
Your mind becomes more clean with more rest.
Oh is good for your body and mind, you get more rest inside, more peaceful.
So true Helma! Thank you for your thoughts!?