I was in a group once and I remember being asked, “What household item or luxury could you not live without?” Take a moment and answer that question for yourself. The answers I heard from others in the group varied from a washing machine, a dishwasher, a car, even makeup was mentioned.
When I was in my early twenties I lived in a South American country for 18 months. Hot water was a luxury and was rarely available. Clean water was sometimes difficult to come by. When the question was asked of me years later; What luxury I felt I could not live without, I answered, “water, especially hot water.” Because I had experienced the lack of, I was very aware of the blessing hot water is even though it is so common place for many of us today.
Listen to the words of Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“For a large part of human history, communication happened at the speed of a horse. Sending a message and getting a reply could take days or even months. Today our messages travel thousands of miles into the sky or thousands of meters beneath the oceans to reach someone on the other side of the world, and if there is a delay of even a few seconds, we get frustrated and impatient.
It seems to be human nature: as we become more familiar with something, even something miraculous and awe-inspiring, we lose our sense of awe and treat it as commonplace.”
How true this statement is! I have a daughter right now in Spain and I live in the United States. We can easily skype or use video messenger to visit with each other pretty much anytime we want (keeping in mind the time difference of course). J The last time we visited I couldn’t get the camera to work on my end and we ended up just talking without seeing each other. I was a little annoyed at first but quickly realized, just as this quote says, what a miracle we were experiencing in that we were talking so easily and clearly with each other even though she was thousands of miles away (5,257 miles to be exact). J
In the United States we just celebrated Thanksgiving but truly every day is a day of miracles and thanksgiving! What miracles are you experiencing today? Did you easily flip on a light switch and have light? Are you reading these words on a computer or phone with incredible capabilities? Are you reading? Do you have eyesight to see? The list of miracles and daily blessings goes on and on. What a marvelous day and age to live in! Let’s not lose sight of all the good that surrounds us!
What have you been most grateful for this past week? I invite you to share in the comments below.
Thank you for the reminder of being Thankful for the little things. I try to smile more and speak in a kind voice when dealing with harrowed and impatient shoppers. I’m learning to look for opportunities to say “Thank you” for small things. I have surprised many shoppers by thanking them for saying “Hi” or allowing me to assist them. It’s nice to see the surprise in their eyes, but it seems to bring a smile of light to their faces. I believe there is magic in saying those two words – Thank You –
I love how you said, “There is magic in saying those two words!” I totally agree with you Rochelle! Thank you!