Will you celebrate with me? I achieved something that I doubted was ever possible.
I re-wired my brain!
And if it’s possible for me, it is possible for you!
Let me explain.
It was a stressful, frustrating morning.
The specifics of the situation aren’t important. Let’s just say it had to do with technology problems, bad weather, delayed travel, missed deadlines, a flooding basement. . . . You get the idea.
I’m sure you’ve experienced similar times.
My emotional default in such situations has been to
- Allow frustration to overwhelm me and destroy my peace.
- React reflecting my agitated state of mind.
- isconnect from that inner voice that helps me stay calm.
- Resort to raised voice, blame, tears and anger.
But something different happened that morning.
It was as if I became aware of the end result that each thought would bring right at the point of reacting. I sensed what each choice would bring and was allowed to choose what feeling result I wanted, regardless of the physical outcome.
Was I willing to make the effort it required?
The choice was to follow the course of least resistance and return to my default strategy, which was no strategy at all or consciously apply the skills of choosing my thoughts and being rewarded with a new outcome?
We all have the ability to self-monitor but human nature constantly pulls us to take the course of least resistance, unless we’ve trained ourselves to create a higher path.
It’s a process and requires practice, but it is within everyone’s reach.
True, the re-wiring did not happen in that one moment. It’s been months, even years of continually monitoring and self-correcting. And, to be honest, I’m still working on mastering the skill, but recognizing and experiencing the improved outcome that morning has encouraged me to continue the practice of being aware and making better choices.
I hope you feel inspired to continue in your daily practice of becoming aware so that you will experience your personal celebration that follows from choosing a better way.
With love,
Testing! Everything is looking so good!