Have you been able to experience peace in the moment?
Does this seem impossible to obtain?
Personal Effects of Pandemic
As I’ve been pondering the personal effects of this worldwide pandemic, I’ve realized a number of things.
One I’d like to share with you.
It is possible to find peace in the moment.
Living in a farming community, somewhat isolated to begin with, my experience may be different from yours, yet there is a commonality between all of us.
Concern for illness, lost income, unrealized travel plans, fewer face to face interactions, missed family gatherings, canceled church meetings, interrupted schooling, changed lives of ourselves and our children, and on and on.
My heart aches for those suffering on a much deeper level than I am, and I pray daily in their behalf.
My personal experiences have not been of deep distress, but rather of great inconvenience.
Yet, it can be easy to get caught up in the prevalent worry and fear.
Hectic Times
Years ago I was often running around, anxiously going about my activities, trying to run faster and faster, until I couldn’t anymore.
I would have laughed then, if you had told me I could be at peace during those hectic times.
And yet, during present day turmoil, I feel to share with you that yes, you can experience personal peace in this very moment.
Quiet Moments of Stillness
That peace comes in the quiet moments of stillness. Taking the time to connect with the source of spiritual strength. Not just once a day, but continually.
I’m not suggesting that you sit in silent mediation 12 hours a day, but rather be consciously aware of your thoughts, and manage the feelings that follow.
Remember and Return
When you are working, attending zoom calls, doing laundry, preparing meals, tending to family or any other activity you’re involved in, return to those feelings of stillness and peace.
It takes conscious effort to be aware, to remember and to return, but as you train yourself, feelings of peace will more naturally come and stay.
This doesn’t discount or invalidate what is going on around you.
Rather it empowers you to come from a place of calmness and wisdom to speak and act with calmness and wisdom.
President M. Russell Ballard recently wrote on Facebook,
“You cannot connect with heaven in a mass of clutter. You have to find those quiet moments in your life when you can contemplate the things of the Spirit.”
Creating the space to be still connects us with our source of spiritual strength which ultimately provides peace in every moment.
Blessings to you for the emotional strength to experience personal peace in every moment.
Much love,
Thank you for this beautiful message and reminder to look for peace. I’m blessed to be able to find peace during these current adventures in life and when I look at my past I see how that calm and peace carried me thru difficult times.
Yes, you are a good example of choosing calm and peace during difficult times, Ro. And I love how you chose to look at life today as an adventure! ?