Before rushing headlong into the New Year, I invite you to celebrate the past year. Take time to reflect, and learn from your varied experiences. Only as I sat down to review and reflect did I realize the many gifts…
The Meaning of Christmas
I hope you are doing well, and that this Christmas season is one of joy! I invite you to watch and feel the spirit of this beautiful video of the birth of Christ. Perhaps watching together with family can become…
A Simple Solution to Overwhelm
We’ve just finished celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday here in the United States. Were you able to enjoy the time with family and friends, or did you feel overwhelmed, and stressed? Are you looking forward to Christmas or are you feeling…
Grateful for Tender Mercies
It’s been a moment. I haven’t written a Weekly Insight for a few weeks because of traveling with family. My husband and I traveled to Peru to visit our daughter who lives there. It was an amazing experience! Meeting wonderful…
Receiving Graciously Improves Your Ability to Give
Are you someone who finds it is easier to give than to receive? Because you believe that it is better to give than to receive, perhaps you resist accepting the support of others. You know your service is valuable and…
7 Truths to Help You Overcome Adversity
I wrote the following five years ago, in the midst of a challenging farming season. Nevertheless, the truths it contains remain just as relevant today as they were back then. I began with the following question: How does one navigate…
Loving Life Through Daily Habits
Learning that daily routines free up mental and physical energy to be used in other ways was a game changer for me. As I applied this knowledge I found myself empowered in my use of time. But on occasion I…