The other day, my young daughter missed out on an opportunity because of something many of us do to ourselves. We focus on the “hows” and the “shoulds” and the “what ifs.” We make the mistake of letting our minds…
You are worth it!
I have a daughter who runs a number of businesses. She runs her own massage therapy business, an Etsy art shop, and a nutrition and supplement, and a health business. She is amazing! She wrote a short article the…
Gratitude for Freedom
Happy Independence Day! This is a time of great celebration in the United States; a thrilling, wonderful time to commemorate the freedoms our country affords us! A lot of what I do, is to teach and encourage mental, emotional, spiritual…
Love who you are, now!
I saw a post the other day that rubbed me the wrong way! The first sentence, written with exclamation marks said, “When I was this size (a number was written here), I hated myself! I hated my life!” Reading those…
Thinking your way out of joy
Spending time recently with one of my young daughters and her friend, I asked them what makes them happy? They simultaneously responded, “Food!” After we all had a good laugh at their first response, I asked, “Why?” They replied, “It…
Amazing Things Happen When You Set the Day!
I had an amazing experience this last week, all because I set the intention for my day! As part of my morning routine I declare, out loud, what I want to experience that day, not in specifics, but in the…
How do you define success?
A few months ago, shortly after the holiday season, I was playing “Just Dance” with my children. “Just Dance” is a dance video game where the participant’s movements are recorded and scored by how close they match the movements of…