I recently had a tender experience that I’d like to share with you. While in the car, traveling with my husband, I was reading aloud a short, Christmas story. I was touched by the message of the sweet story and…
What Made the Difference?
I recently returned from a Family Reunion/Thanksgiving/Birthday Celebration, where I hosted and fed 47 relatives for 3 and ½ days! As my family will tell you, I am not a relaxed, easy going, “come what may,” kind of person. And…
Preparing to Give
I recently heard it said that November is the month of gratitude, to prepare us for the month of December giving. What a beautiful thought! Preparing to give. I’ve known the joy of finding the perfect gift for someone and…
Seeing the Hand of God
November is the month of Gratitude and this week is when we traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States. I am a big proponent of keeping a gratitude journal and hadn’t realized that I had been doing so long before…
For Those Not So Good Days
This hasn’t been a great day for me. Maybe because of lack of sleep – the barking dog, the rattle in the fireplace, the odd dreams…. For whatever reason, I’ve been feeling “off” today. I’m dragging, not thinking clearly and…
Just More Learning
Sharing with you another lesson from my children. I asked my 15-year old daughter what she did in school the other day. (You know. Asking questions that require more than a single syllable answer). 🙂 With an exasperated sigh, (not…
When did my goal change?
I recently had an adventure. An adventure to me sounds exciting and fun, but I often use the term to describe anything that may end up being memorable (and ‘memorable’ may not always mean in a happy, fun, way, but…