Small but meaningful moments of beauty can replenish our soul and strengthen our spirit. A SMALL MEANINGFUL MOMENT The simple act of replacing last year’s calendar has become a meaningful moment of beauty for me. I used to settle for…
Enjoy the Experience
While focusing on what might happen in the future, I too often miss out on the joy of the present experience. This tendency was made clear to me on a recent bike ride with my husband. I was dreading the…
A New Year of Thankfulness Gratitude and Celebration
Years ago when my husband and I were starting our life together, we worked many long hours to build a successful farm and family. Because money was tight we rarely ate out. When we did, we carefully chose from the…
Shine Your Light
What does it mean to you to shine your light? To me, shining your light means sharing your gifts, your talents and abilities to uplift, and bless the lives of others. Haven’t you been buoyed up by another’s act of…
Christmas Blessing
Wishing you a blessed Christmas! In the midst of busy holiday events, I encourage you to set aside time to ponder the significance of the season, and enjoy this beautiful video, “The Christ Child. A Nativity Story.” I invite you…
Keeping the Spirit of Christmas Alive
With all the busyness this time of year, do you find yourself struggling to keep the spirit of Christmas alive? Here’s a simple solution that can quickly restore your Christmas spirit. Look for the symbols. They are all around us. …
Trusting God Means Trusting His View of Me
Trusting God means trusting His view of me. This was a profound insight I recently gained that has altered the way I see myself, and others. At a recent church event held for women we were asked to look through…