I’ve been told that a characteristic of mine is a gift, but it causes me distress. I rapidly experience thoughts and feelings and swiftly connect and disconnect mentally. The up-side is that I can adapt easily and be resilient when…
Remember the Big Picture
Are you tempted to give up efforts to improve yourself when the challenge seems too hard? How do you overcome? Do you have a conscious plan of action when those moments come? Or do you just cross your fingers and…
An Invitation to Ponder, Hear and Find Peace
This is a unique time in our history. With the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen or maybe experienced ourselves a gamut of emotions. Responses can range anywhere from panic and fear to calm assurance and faith that all will be…
Expect Good Things
You may have heard about the law of attraction. This natural law basically says, what we think about, we bring about. Another way of describing this law is that we are human transmission towers sending out signals with our thoughts….
What Does ‘You Do You’ Mean?
Have you heard the statement, “You do you”? I have, and at first I thought, “Yes!” It seemed a good declaration. It seemed to give permission and encouragement to be myself. And yet, the more I hear it, the more…
Appreciating Our Differences
Not long ago, I experienced a humorous situation that reminded me to recognize and value our differences. My husband and I were enjoying a drive together when I realized we were close to a community that housed art galleries, shops…
Nurture What is Most Important
I enjoy having plants in my home, but I wouldn’t say I’m a horticulturist, nor even a skilled gardener. I appreciate the life and beauty that growing plants bring, but I often forget to water or take care of them…
Letting Go of the Pressure to Produce
In this modern world where productivity is highly valued, what do you do for enjoyment? Even hobbies are often looked down upon unless they can turn a profit. It’s easy to feel the pressure that every thought, act and expenditure…
The Nature of Nurturing
I thought I knew what nurturing was. Yet, I recently realized I’d missed an important aspect. I had believed a nurturer was someone who is kind and thoughtful, gentle and caring. Someone who provides comfort and who tends to the…
Holding it All Together
Though I can’t remember the exact quote, the message said something like… Be kind. The person you’re standing next to may be barely holding it together. This saying touched me, for I’ve been on both sides. I’ve been the one…
Living As-if
Will you try an experiment with me? Just for today. It is, living as-if. Think of all the things you might wish were different. You might wish you had more energy experienced more vibrant health had more money were more…
Slow Down
I want to suggest a respite in this busy, often frenetic, world in which we live. Music has such a powerful ability to calm my spirit and bring with it inner strength and personal insight. I hope you might find…