I’ve heard it said that November is a month of gratitude to prepare us for the month of December giving. What a beautiful thought—preparing to give! I’ve known the joy of finding the perfect gift for someone and seeing their…
Lessons Learned from Family Gatherings
For the past ten years or so, I’ve hosted a Thanksgiving family reunion every other year, bringing together 40 to 50 extended family members for three or more days of celebration. As my children will tell you, I am not…
Living a Life of Gratitude
This week, we traditionally celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States—a time for family, faith, and gratitude. Years ago, I was moved by Henry B. Eyring as he shared a profound lesson from his father-in-law’s wise counsel. He felt inspired by…
A Collection of Love Given and Received
I tried to embrace a minimalist lifestyle, but I quickly realized that certain things, though not essential, truly bring me joy. This became especially clear when I considered throwing away a box of thank-you notes and letters. The Notes Most…
Simple Solutions to Restore Your Holiday Balance
With the holiday season upon us, it’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed. I’d like to share some simple, supportive tips to help you move calmly and smoothly through the coming weeks. But please, don’t let these suggestions become one more…
Gratitude for Everyday Miracles
I remember once being asked, “What household item or luxury could you not live without?” Take a moment to answer that for yourself. In the group I was with, answers varied—some mentioned a washing machine, a dishwasher, a car, even…
How to Handle Frustration
In my ideal world, my days would flow with ease—no stress, no drama. Sometimes, this happens, and I love it! But then there are those “other days.” Before I learned how to handle frustration consciously, those days could shatter any…
The Promise of Possibilities
What a beautiful time of year autumn is! The weather cools down. The leaves change color. The children return to school. The Seasons I grew up in a part of the country that really only had two seasons: warm and…
Seeing Flowers in the Weeds
As I took my morning walk, I saw an unusual plant growing along the ditch bank. It was tall and unsightly with its sickly, grey, brown and black stem and leaves. Upon closer inspection, I was surprised to find a…
Claim Your Success
Years ago, my children and I would often play a video game called “Just Dance.” We’d mimic the dancers on the screen, each of us trying to match the fun dance moves. During one particular holiday, I joined my children…
Giving Oneself Grace
I’ve just finished a week filled with family events and activities. It was a wonderful time, with all six of my children coming together from all over to celebrate and support each other. My youngest daughter returned home after an…
Spiral Up!
Some time ago, I came across a Facebook post that unsettled me. The first sentence, emphasized with exclamation marks, read: “When I was this size (a number was written here), I hated myself! I hated my life!” Reading those words…