There is power in recognizing the beauty of God’s creations.
A power that fortifies and strengthens us.
There is a phrase in the Bible that says, “And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food….” (Genesis 2:9, Italics added).
Did you notice that “pleasant to the sight” was stated before “good for food?”
One of the purposes of creation is to fulfill our esthetic needs as well as our practical needs.
Food alone is not enough. Clothing alone is not enough. Shelter alone is not enough.
We have a longing and a need for beauty.
Appreciating the wonders and joys of nature add richness to our lives.
“All things are made for the benefit and use of man, both to please the eye and to gladden the heart, to strengthen the body and enliven the soul.” (Doctrine & Covenants 59:16-19).
What does it mean to enliven the soul?
I think of times when my heart is made glad. When my spirit has been touched and strengthened by the beauty of nature.
I also realize that there are times when I do not notice those special moments and therefore miss out on the enlivening power that is available to me.
Are we taking full advantage of the gifts God’s creations offer?
Recognizing His hand in the world around us can fortify us against difficult times of discouragement and fear.
I invite you to consciously see and enjoy God’s creations daily so that you might be renewed, replenished and fortified.
Much love,